Seasonal flu is a common disease that, however mild, still renders the actions of daily life-crippling for a limited period. There is no reliable data on the duration: it can come with a tingling in the throat, which turns into a cold and cough and resolves in a couple of days at most, as it can last for more than a week if it affects the bronchi and bronchioles in a deeper, or if it turns into a more severe infection.
The family doctor traditionally suggests that “the flu lasts 3 days”: the viral flu, typical of the winter season, is a disease that resolves quickly, allowing a return to everyday life within 72 hours – even if the symptoms may continue for a few more days, without being contagious.
Nose or mouth long does flu last
Much depends on how it transmits. There are two main ways of contagion of the flu: by air, through the droplets, we emit when we sneeze or cough, and by direct contact, when the virus is deposited on the hands, and we carry it on the eyes, nose or mouth simply by touching us.
Once the infection has taken place, the incubation lasts from one to four days. Furthermore, the flu virus can transmit even when the infectious subject has not yet presented any symptoms in turn. For this reason, it often seems that two influences start at the same time or within hours of each other.
The contagiousness continues for up to a week after the onset of symptoms. Even while we are already in the healing period. The highest peak of the flu. On the other hand. Is recorded in the first 24 hours. So much so that. Usually, in the evening, there is already some line of fever.
However, the worst passes quickly: from the third day. although with understandable exhaustion. The fever does not tend to rise again. The sore throat begins to subside, and the flu turns into a cough and cold.
In 7 days, for uncomplicated forms, healing is complete. Conversely, suppose an airway infection or other complications, such as pneumonia, pericarditis, myocarditis and other more severe diseases. In that case, the course lengthens for more than two weeks until hospitalization in the worst case.
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